Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Vitamin Water Anyone???

So as many people of BYU know, finals just finished and with that brings the endless chore of packing all the stuff you've collected over the year, not to mention all the stuff you brought up with you. That is ALOT of stuff!!! But before you can begin packing, what is the first thing you must do? Throw away all the trash that your room has accumulated over the year. For me, this wasn't very hard, a few papers here and there, the occasional surfing magazine and of course the foot high stack of paper cereal bowls always one away from falling over. Once these unnecessary items are discarded, one can begin to pack. Well not me....other than the three things mentioned above, I had one more, fairly large pile to throw away that until today was hidden from the world. I am talking about my 213, empty plastic bottles of Vitamin Water.

Now you must know that I am completely obsessed with Vitamin Water. When I was 17 playing for the Long Beach Volleyball Club, one of our sponsors was Vitamin Water. At first I did not like the stuff, it was all about orange Gatorade for me! But sometimes I'd forget my precious drink, and practicing for three hours each practice made one quite thirsty. So who was there to quench my dying thirst and replenish my wispy electrolytes? VITAMIN WATER! We had the stuff in the hundreds at every practice, every scrimmage, every game, match and most importantly, every flavor. I soon was addicted to a new favorite drink.

So back to the original story. BYU was so kind as to continue it's supply of my addiction in their vending machines in the dorms. However, they were not free like I was used to. But I purchased each 20FL bottle all the same and after I finished, I would just throw them up on the ski rack in my room. Hence the 213 that I surprisingly found while cleaning out the rack this afternoon. Gotta love it!

Finally, A Protein Skake that actually tastes like a Shake!

Over the past five years I have been in search for the best tasting protein shake. Most people when they hear the word "shake" they think, "Awesome! Glorious! Smooth and refreshing!, however, when most hear the word protein put in front of the word shake, they think "Ewwww! It's like drinking powdered chalk! So how come we can not have a blend of the two? A shake that still tastes like a shake, but gives you the necessary protein to help rebuild torn that possible? I say unto you, after years upon the quest, YEA!

It is simply called Muscle Milk. And it kicks an In n Out's chocolate shakes butt any day! One serving is only 11oz. and delivers a huge but smooth 22g of protein! Best severed cold for a nice, refreshing cool down after an intense work out, this baby is loaded with 44% of a persons daily value of protein along with every vitamin and mineral you can think of! So how can a protein shake with so much in it that is good for you be so...well great tasting? I have no idea. But who am I to question the genius behind the creation? All I know is that I have never been able to chug a protein shake very well and was always happiest when I was finished drinking the chalky bulk. But now it is the opposite. I often find myself drinking another immediately upon finishing my first...or second. Working out has a whole new meaning now, because I know that once I'm finished, I have one of these bad boys waiting for me in the fridge. Oh yeah!!

French bread, common in stores? I think not!

It was 1:30 p.m. this wonderful wednesday afternoon and I went out to lunch with a few friends. I knew that I have to pick up a few loafs of French bread for class today for our groups final presentation and I just figured I could pick them up at any local grocery store. WRONG!

After eating a huge triple cheese burger at The Training Table, I proceed to go to several stores and each time when I asked if they had French bread, the workers there would look at me in utter bewilderment; like I was asking for fried octopus.

Finally I went to Abertson's and asked the same question for the 4th time. At this point it was 2:00, the time the syllabus said was when our final would start. I was kinda panicking. Then to my great disappointment, the teller looked at me again with the same bewilderment. "What is going on here," I thought, "When did every store in Utah decide to get rid of French bread and only carry white or wheat?"

Then I realized why I was receiving such an odd look, I was standing right next to a 4 foot sign that read, "FRENCH BREAD" in great big, bold letters.....yeah I felt stupid. But in the end I got the two loafs, raced back to my dorm to get my final paper, and booked it to our room in the JKB in record time.

Once inside, I realized everyone was there...except my professor. I was not late at all, class didn't start till 2:30. Fun stuff.